A brand can be classified as an intangible asset that is used for the sole purpose of distinguishing products and services found in the market from others that may be similar to the one that is intended to be marketed.

In order for this immaterial element to be perceived by the senses, it is of vital importance that it can be materialized, through elements that allow its receptivity through words, word combinations, images, figures, symbols, graphics, among others.

In accordance with the foregoing, it is clear that the registration of a trademark in Colombia is a process that should be carried out by any natural or legal person that has a commercial establishment in order to protect that differentiating sign that makes them unique in the market and to In turn, it provides them with a series of benefits that are shown below.

  • Allows the company to differentiate its product within the market
  • The owner who registers a trademark in Colombia will have the exclusive right to use it for 10 years, which may be renewed.
  • The registration of the trademark in Colombia allows its expansion within the national and international market.
  • Increases the value of the intangible asset.
  • The trademark registration gives the owner ownership of it and the power to initiate legal actions in case third parties use it without authorization, that is, they commit acts of unfair competition or trademark usurpation.

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